Monday, 27 June 2016

Open House at United Soils this Thursday

United Soils is hosting an open house this Thursday, June 30 at 4:30pm. Everyone is welcome to visit 14245 Ninth Line for an educational presentation on the current and long term plans of this facility. See United Soils website for more info.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Free Yoga Night!

Cedar Beach is hosting a Free Yoga Night!

This coming Tuesday June 21th starting at 7 pm, Cedar Beach dancehall is hosting a free yoga night in honour of World Yoga Day.

Meet at the dancehall to take advantage of this great opportunity

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Upcoming Events and Fun under the Big Tents!

A big THANK YOU to everyone who made Family Fun Day a huge success!

Partnering with MLRA,  we had our first annual Family Fun Day with bouncy castles, raffles, food and treats.  The weather called for for rain but it turned into a scorching hot day! With the money earned from our raffles and 50/50 draw, we were successful in raising a portion of the funds needed for our Beach Beautification permits. This is very exciting, our plan is starting to come together.
See photos of the Family Fun Day below.

Last weekend we also had our annual Spring Clean - thanks to everyone who made it to the beach to help clean out the winters' garbage. Our beach looks a little better for it.

Following our beach clean up we met with a local landscaper who discussed our plans for the Beach Beautification. We have been given a loose estimate of $5000 for everything we want to do including:

  • New sand for the playground
  • Gabion baskets to hold back the land at the top of the beach
  • Tree stump removal at the top of the beach
  • Grading and sodding
  • New sand for the beach
Our estimate is still unfinalized until we firm up plans with the LSRCA; once we have permits from them we will have a better idea of our costs. We are hoping to reduce our costs by using our own labour and gathering donations - stay tuned to this site for more details! 

And speaking of donations!

Our next fundraiser will be Saturday July 9 at our beach. 

We will be selling hot dogs and burgers to help raise funds, but feel free to make a dish to share potluck-style! Bring your chairs and favourite drink and come say hi to your neighbours! 

Watch this site and the black board for details, hope to see you all there!