Saturday, 25 April 2015

Musselmans Lake Residents Association Earth Day Clean Up a success!

Beautiful weather and a great turn out of enthusiastic volunteers made the MLRA Earth Day Clean Up 2015 a resounding success. 

Special thanks goes out to our sponsors and community volunteers:

Next Event:

CCA Annual Spring Clean, May 9, 10 am 

Our lake access needs a quick clean-up. We're looking for volunteers to help out. Calling all yard waste bags, lawnmowers, weed-wackers!

Also at the Spring Clean we will be discussing:

  • Future investments and events for our lake access. Our access needs a makeover! What improvements would you like to see? What kind of fundraisers can we use?
  • Key Drive - the lock will be updated later this year so everyone will need to purchase new keys. We will discuss the date for the new lock and funds required. 
Put on your work gloves and thinking caps and join the fun!